Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Night Summary & Free Choice

Night is by Elie Wiesel the book follows Elie Wiesel and what happened to him and his family during the rise of Hitler and the Holocaust.  Elie is a child and sees Nazis terrorizing Jews.  Then over time Elie sees the Nazi's actions get more extreme and then start taking Jews to the ghettos to live temporarily.  The ghetto is located around Elie's house so he thinks maybe they'll move somewhere better.  Eventually Jews start being taken slowly and Elie finds out that they're being liquidated.  Elie's family is then taken to a work camp.

The point of view for Night is first person because it has I, me, and mine.  And it's about the author explaining recounting what had happened to him and his family during the Holocaust.  We hear all of Elie's thoughts about whats happening and about the people he meets.

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