Sunday, February 22, 2015

Edgar Allen Poe Biography Summary & Character Analysis

Edgar and his foster parents moved to the United Kingdom because his foster father John Allen tried to keep his business connections secure.  Unfortunately there was an economy crash in the United States and the United Kingdom so Edgar and his foster family fell into poverty.  Edgar was still sent to some of the best schools in England Edgar excelled in school and learned many languages like French and Latin.  Three years later Edgar and his family went back to the United States with less money John wanted to regain his social status but his financial status stopped him from doing so.

John Allen Edgar's foster father is an insecure, disloyal person mainly because of past actions.  John is insecure because he cares so much about what other people think about him he tries hard to be accepted by everybody.  John wanted to be popular but he didn't know there was a price to pay.  Disloyal is kinda a harsh way to describe someone but John is disloyal he had many affairs with women even though he is married.  John also had an unknown child even though he already had Edgar John just isn't a good person.  

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