Sunday, February 22, 2015

Edgar Allen Poe Biography Summary & Character Analysis

Edgar and his foster parents moved to the United Kingdom because his foster father John Allen tried to keep his business connections secure.  Unfortunately there was an economy crash in the United States and the United Kingdom so Edgar and his foster family fell into poverty.  Edgar was still sent to some of the best schools in England Edgar excelled in school and learned many languages like French and Latin.  Three years later Edgar and his family went back to the United States with less money John wanted to regain his social status but his financial status stopped him from doing so.

John Allen Edgar's foster father is an insecure, disloyal person mainly because of past actions.  John is insecure because he cares so much about what other people think about him he tries hard to be accepted by everybody.  John wanted to be popular but he didn't know there was a price to pay.  Disloyal is kinda a harsh way to describe someone but John is disloyal he had many affairs with women even though he is married.  John also had an unknown child even though he already had Edgar John just isn't a good person.  

Edgar Allen Poe Biography Summary & Conflict

I have started reading a book about Edgar Allen Poe and he didn't have an easy life.  Edgar was born January 19, 1809, to David and Elizabeth Poe in Boston, Massachusetts.  Edgar's parents couldn't take care him for various reasons one being his dad was an alcoholic and his mother died of tuberculosis.  Edgar was given to a wealthy merchant and his wife while siblings were given to his uncle.  Edgar as a child was mischievous and had a vivid imagination he got into trouble here and there but he managed to weasel his way out.

In the book I'm reading about Edgar Allen Poe there are various conflicts but only one was actually major.  Edgar thought that disease was linked with beauty because his mother had died when he was young and then his wife had the same fate.  Even though it was tragic for his loved ones to die so early on Edgar was in a way inspired to write his dark/gruesome stories.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fish In The Sky Summary & Tough Questions

So far in my book Fish In The Sky Josh is going through many changes which make his life more difficult.  Josh's cousin starts being rebellious and starts doing more mischievous things.  Josh's friend Peter publishes their magazine about nature and Josh's stuffed falcon.  Josh's body makes more changes and he starts to feel more awkward than he already his.

In Fish In The Sky Josh always asks if his dream for love can ever come true.  He constantly keeps asking himself if he can ever get with the girl of his dreams.  In various chapters of the book he keeps questioning and questioning if this can happen and he dreams about it.  Even though he always questions his dream he knows it could happen.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fish In The Sky Summary & Character Analysis

So far in my book Sky In The Fish Josh's mom has a complete breakdown in the shower and he calls a ambulance to take to a hospital.  Josh still goes to school but still gets bullied for a handful of things.  Josh then goes through things with his mind and body and starts feeling different things.  He then starts going to a cove where he spends his time thinking if his dreams of love can ever come true.

Josh is a quiet, awkward,jealous kind of person he is sometimes by himself.  I know he's jealous because in many parts he talks about his friend and how he's jealous that his dad is always there while his barely is there.  Josh is awkward because he's going through changes in his body and mind.  Josh is mostly antisocial to everybody but to his friend and mom.