Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Westing Game Summary & Theme Also Conflict

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin is about Samuel W. Westing who just died and his will is being read and he chooses 16 completely random people to inherit everything he ever owned.  The heirs have had to find out who killed Sam Westing.

The theme of The Westing House is appearances people all have disguises.  In The Westing Game a lot of the characters seem to be one way but thats not who they are.  The Westing Game's conflict is that someone killed Sam Westing and one of the heirs could be the killer.

Friday, October 17, 2014

"Do Sports Fans Go Too Far?" Blog

The article talks how sports fans riot because their favorite teams lose and how some people take the games too serious.  And that some people think its dumb to have riots and cry if their teams lose or win.  To me it just seems pointless for people to do any of these things over a game.  Why do it you'll just cause chaos if you riot and possibly be arrested is it really worth get injured or arrested over a game?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Lockdown Summary & POV

Lockdown by Walter Dean Meyers is Maurice or Reece for short who is in a Juvenile Prison.  And he starts doing community service while there at a home for the mentally ill and senior citizens to get less time to serve.  Reece just wants to serve his time but its not so simple with all the gangs there and the guards harassing everybody there.

Lockdown is first person because they use I and me.  And its told through the perspective of Reese and what he's seeing and feeling and going through.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lemon Brown Blog

Lemon Brown is short story about a homeless man named Lemon Brown who is a washed up musician.  My reaction to the story was I was confused if he was a famous musician why is homeless and living in a tenement.  This story connects to what we've learned in about homelessness because he was homeless and had really nothing except his treasure and he really can't get out of poverty.  What surprised the most was why Greg went in the tenement in the first place and how Lemon Brown was actually a musician.  Greg changed because of what he learned from Lemon and the life lessons he learned that if his dad could do something with his life he could too.

Lockdown Summary & Character Analysis

Lockdown is about Alex a teenager who becomes a bully and starts doing terrible things.  Then one day his friend is killed and Alex and his friends are framed and sent to Furnace Penitentiary.  Alex and his friends are now there for life.  Alex soon makes a plan to escape but things take a turn for the worse.

Alex is a teenager who seems to make a lot of decisions without thinking.  He comes off as bad person but he's not.  Alex is brave teenager who would help his friends through anything but he just can't really make good decisions.